
Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Toddler Yoga

My Little Yogini

I love yoga. I love the the hardwood floors and clean, bright studios. I love the sense of community. I love the way my body looks and feels after a class and the way I suddenly crave a salad and ok, some sangria. But even more than that I love the concepts that come along with yoga. The idea of listening to and respecting your body. Setting intentions, feeling gratitude and letting go. These are the parts of yoga I want to give my little love. I want her to take notice and be thankful for the amazing things her body can do. I also want her to have fun and get a little exercise. Thankfully, she Loves yoga as well. The picture above was taken during a spontaneous beach yoga session, "look mama, down dog, shake a paw". She just turned two and is too little for most kids yoga videos, they bore her. However, she did her first yoga pose at 18 months and can now go through a full sun salutation along with other poses, loving every minute. I credit her love of yoga to the Bari Koral Family Rock Bands song, "The Sun Dance". It is so fun, little love says "let's oga!" and pulls out a mat for all of us. Enjoy!

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